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Optimum Grazing Heights
When to begin grazing (1st #) - Optimum Grazing Height Inches (2nd #)
Side Oats Grama 6 - 4 Switch Grass 12 - 8 Brownseed Papsalum 8 - 6
Big Bluestem 12 - 8 Eastern Gammagrass 12 - 8 Cordgrass 8 - 4
Little Bluestem 12 - 8 Indiangrass 12 - 8 Blue Grama 5 - 3

Relationship of Body Condition Score (BCS) @ Calving to Cows Pregant at 60 Days.

Determining Forage Amount: Outline a square with this stick at the end of the growing season. Clip and weigh the forage, let it air dry. Multiply the weight in grams by 10.7 to get pounds per acre. Multiply this amount by acres to be grazed.

Carrying Capacity: Multiply forage amount by 25% harvest efficiency. Divide this amount by the 9490 lbs. consumed by an animal unit in one year. This is the estimated yearlong capacity in animal units on clipped forage.

Approximate Forage Intake Per Day
By % of Body Weight
Cow - Lactating 2.6 Lactation (Mares) 1.0 - 2.0
Cow - Dry 2 Growing (Yearlings) 1.0 - 1.5
Stocker Cattle 3 Goat 4
Horse 2  
Water Requirements
Daily Amount (Gal)/Drink Space per Head (Inches)
Cattle 12 - 20 Goats 2 - 12
Bulls 18 - 20 Horses 15 - 20
Stockers 6 - 16  
Distance to Water
TerrainWater Spacing in Miles
Rough (Slopes > 15%) 1/4 to 1/2
Rolling (8 to 15%) 3/8 to 3/4
Level (<8%) 3/4 - 1

Drought Planning: If median rainfall for your area is below normal by June 1 and then again by October 1, drought management should be implemented.


Nutrient Cycling: An animal unit eating a diet which ranges from 7 to 16% crude protein and digestible organic matter from 59 to 67%, will excrete approximately .10 to .20 pounds of nitrogen and .02 to .04 pounds of phosphorus each day from the manure.

When to Begin Grazing Inches (1st #) - Rotational Grazing Height Inches (2nd #)
Bermudagrass 6 - 3 Kleingrass 8-6
Bahiagrass 6-3 Dallisgrass 8-6
Introduced Bluestem 8-6  
Livestock Nutrient Requirments as a % of Dry Matter
Kind/Class of AnimalCrude ProtienTDNCalciumPhosphorus
Cow - Lactating 9 - 2 52 .28 .28
Doe - Lactating 11.7 62 .3 .2
Cow - Dry 5 - 9 52 .18 .18
Doe - Dry 9.5 54 .26 .17
Animal Unit Equivalents (Kind & Class of Animal)
Cow (1000 lb. & Calf <4 mo.) 1 AUE Mature Horses 1.25 AUE
Yearling Cattle (Long: 12-17 mos.) .8 AUE Goats (Adults) .15 AUE
Yearling Cattle (Short: 7-12 mos.) .6 AUE Goats (Yearling) .1 AUE
Mature Bulls 1.35 AUE  
  • BCS 4 = 54%
  • BCS 5 = 77%
  • BCS 6 = 89%
  • Target Score 5-6
Reproduction Information Gestation & Heat Cycle in Days
Cattle 283 19.5
Horses 336 - 340 22
Goats 151 20 - 22

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Monday-Friday: 8am to 5pm
Weekend: Closed

Closed for Lunch: 12pm to 1pm

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523 S. Mulberry
Luling, TX 78648

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